Course curriculum

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    • Introduction

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    Chapter #1: What kids learn by doing business projects

    • Video: What do kids learn by doing business projects?

    • Ideas for Kids Businesses

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    Chapter #2: How to support your kids when they have a business idea

    • Video: How to support you kids when they have a business idea

    • Video testimony of parents talking their experience supporting their kids businesses (placeholder)

    • Mistakes you can expect along the way

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    Chapter #3: Helping your kids set up their business to succeed

    • Video: How to help you kids PREPARE for the their business venture

    • slides about steps

    • Worksheet to support kids: How to develop a business idea

    • Product Cost Analysis

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    Chapter 4: Working with them measure the success (or failure) of the business

    • Video: How to help you kids AFTER their business venture

    • Worksheet for kids: How to reconcile a cash box

    • Worksheet for kids: 3 day financial statement

    • Thoughts about losing money on your kids business ideas

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    • Conclusion RENAME

    • Outside Resources We Recommend

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